t1s1 - appears to be from end of 1971. Intro kids talking then loads of music recorded from TV. Hear reference to WFRV and house sounds in background. . Near end hear that 1972 will soon be starting and then New year count down. label says Dick Rodgers New Year t1S2 - Family playing bingo. Matt calling. Hear reference to Charlie the dog. Heard GMA brusberg and Bork for sure. Also hear Mike in beginning. Not sure who won first game. Think dad calls second bingo game. Ma says daddy will call before it starts but sounds like dad. Not sure who won second game. Dad continues to call, again not sure who won third game. Game four has a recall, loads of confusion as cards get dumped and people find new seats. GMA brusberg wins game four. Joe goes to bed after this game. Ma takes over calling at around 35 minute mark. Dad returns to calling. Must have stepped out. Start taking prizes from each other. Indicate that Tim has two prizes, Matt one, Craig one. Tape ends. Label says: Craig birthday party 8/18/71. t2s1 - concert of a kid. label says: Christmas 1980 t2s2 more christmas music, appears to be recorded from radio. t3s1 new years family party label says 1971 t3s2 new years phone call hear gma brusberg on phone with Scott and Jeff. Others at home. Appears to be 1971. t4s1 and s2 label says Christmas 1980 J&L house side 1 hear loads of opening of presents side 2 hear that Princess, family dog, got present at one point. Pretty sure hear a game I got called Simon being played at one point. Loads of other random talking. T5S1 Starts with Traci talking to Majarka then Kathy comes into the picture. They look at different cartoon characters. You hear Jana near the end. Overall short, maybe three minutes of audio. Say they are making a tape for Kelly. T6 sides 1-2 recording of what sounds like drm and bugle corps competition, guessing has Marquis in it in some fashion. Label says: rhythm along the fox